It’s taken 3 years for us to reach this point but its great to have the website finished and live. Before we continue we must say a big thank you to all the people who have helped us throughout the venture and given their time to give this ambitious idea a real chance of success.
The website is crammed with information on the many areas of the venture and as things progress we will improve the site to provide a greater opportunity for interaction. As you will see we have some world leading experts guiding our development and look forward to keeping you informed of events as they happen.
From all of us here at the Earth Pyramid we thank you for visiting the site and look forward to making this an enjoyable and thought provoking venture to follow.
All the best !
Longue vie à votre projet !
Je suivrai bien sûr très attentivement votre actualité.
Another significant milestone in an awesome project.
Dave W
So proud to be involved …. every dream has a beginning, every journey starts with a single step, every conversation opens minds, our past and our futures are entwined and what a wonderful way to unite people, communities and cultures from around the earth …… :0)
Congratulations on the launch. What an exciting project. I am very interested to read all the details and I look forward to following the progress.
Bravo pour cett idée merveilleuse en espérant que les grandes nations puissent s’intéresser également au projet.
What a lovely legacy for the Children of the Planet Earth! I hope your realizations and dreams will be truly imbibed and carried forth by the children.
I would personally love to be able to see this project go all the way through to completion. Just to be a part of something like this would be a life long legacy with many rewards for many future generations to come. It would make me very happy to be a part of something like this. For me, it would be a truly magnificent venture to be endowed in! Good Luck, and God Bless!
The Egyptians and the Mayans simply used what they found there. I’ve posted a video on called “Synchronicity 2 (Pyramids)” that you may find interesting.
Hey! You’re back! Things have progressed.
The still image I’ve chosen for this video is from Chaco canyon where you can find some of the best examples of stepped supports being used to construct multiple levels. As you can see the remains of what was once on one level is now hanging there like a wall decoration above the remains of another. To understand what happened here watch the video.