Inside the Earth Pyramid
What’s inside?
Inside the structure, various chambers will hold the hopes, dreams, thoughts and feelings of our world today in a variety of formats that will be retrievable in 1,000 years.
Once the Earth Pyramid’s construction is completed these contributions will be gathered and sealed inside this incredibly secure pyramid for 1,000 years.
For future generations, it will be an amazing archive of their ancestor’s time on Earth in the third millennium. For us, it will create a thought-provoking platform where we can look at the future of our planet, and leave our legacy of how we feel about our time on Earth.
There are four chambers within the Earth Pyramid that will all serve a different purpose.
Countries & Indigenous People’s Chamber
Countries Section
The first section will hold one time capsule from every country and overseas territory in the world. We feel it’s important to have overseas territories participate individually as they all have their own unique cultures and issues they are facing.
These time capsules will give countries the opportunity to capture a snapshot of their culture through the eyes of their most influential citizens, and ordinary citizens. It will be a place where the hopes, dreams, ideas and thoughts of a nation can be captured at this critical point in the Earth’s history. It will be a place where the thoughts of all the world’s current world leaders can be captured as an archive for future generations.
It will give increased opportunity for countries to reflect on their history, successes, and failures and tell future generations what we are trying to do to secure a sustainable and peaceful world for them.
When this chamber is opened in 1,000 years it will be amazing to see if the words that the world’s leaders wrote match the people that history remembers.
Indigenous Peoples Section
The indigenous peoples’ section aims to capture a snapshot of the nearly 7,000 indigenous peoples around the world.
Due to the world’s ever-increasing demand for resources and increasing populations many of these cultures are facing grave threats to their survival, so it is more important than ever to document these cultures whilst they still exist.
The Earth Pyramid will create a platform that will highlight the issues these unique cultures are facing and generate opportunities to discuss how they may be helped with their most pressing problems.
Many indigenous peoples struggle to have their voices heard so our aim is to amplify their thoughts for the world to hear.

Founders’ Chamber
These 1⁄2 meter cube spaces can be purchased by anyone, business leaders, sports people, singer’s actors or any other influential people in our world today.
When the Earth Pyramid is opened in 1,000 years the owners of these time capsule spaces will have their lives and achievements relived through the eyes of future generations. Their captured thoughts, hopes, and opinions will be an insightful look back into history at who our time’s most influential people and organisations were.
The purchasers of these time capsules will have a unique opportunity to have their lives captured for future generations and give them the opportunity to let their ancestors know what they did to contribute to making the world a better place in our time.
They can use the capsule to generate interest in their own specific causes but under no circumstances can the capsules be used for personal gain. The whole Earth Pyramid project is about giving back to help future generations.
The time capsule shown here is the first one carved specifically for the Founders’ Chamber. It is hoped that purchasers of space within the Founders’ Chamber will design their own time capsules to reflect their own lives and beliefs.
Founders’ Chamber
These 1⁄2 meter cube spaces can be purchased by anyone, business leaders, sports people, singer’s actors or any other influential people in our world today.
When the Earth Pyramid is opened in 1,000 years the owners of these time capsule spaces will have their lives and achievements relived through the eyes of future generations. Their captured thoughts, hopes, and opinions will be an insightful look back into history at who our time’s most influential people and organisations were.
The purchasers of these time capsules will have a unique opportunity to have their lives captured for future generations and give them the opportunity to let their ancestors know what they did to contribute to making the world a better place in our time.
They can use the capsule to generate interest in their own specific causes but under no circumstances can the capsules be used for personal gain. The whole Earth Pyramid project is about giving back to help future generations.
The time capsule shown here is the first one carved specifically for the Founders’ Chamber. It is hoped that purchasers of space within the Founders’ Chamber will design their own time capsules to reflect their own lives and beliefs.

Digital Preservation Chamber
These contributions will then be transferred onto a media that would last for 1,000 years, then stored inside the Earth Pyramid until they are retrieved in the next millennium.
This Digital Preservation Chamber will give the whole world the opportunity to be a part of this historic project and provide them the chance to reach through time and connect with their descendants.
Their Virtual Time Capsule will be a place where they can add videos, photos, and text that reflects theirs and their family’s lives. This secure chamber will carry their legacy’s 1,000 years into the future to give future generations a window into our time in history.
Another goal of the Digital Preservation Chamber is to generate funds that will be distributed to peace and environmental projects around the world.
By purchasing a Virtual Time Capsule you will be investing in the future of our children and through the educational side of the project, giving them the opportunity to decide where they feel these funds should be spent.

Children’s Chamber
These contributions will take the form of a small card made from acid-free paper, containing messages written with a graphite pencil. A simple act that will last for 1,000 years and give this generation the chance to store a physical item within the Earth Pyramid.
This card will give children the opportunity to connect with future generations and let them know how they felt about their time on Earth. Imagine what it will be like for the great, great, great (x 40) grandchildren to be able to hold the hopes and aspirations of their ancestors in their hands.
For today’s children, it will be a chance for them to participate in a project that will give them the opportunity to have their legacy preserved for future generations and connect with an entire generation of the world’s children through this shared experience.
From an educational perspective, it will be a great way to get children looking at the future of our planet and thinking of ways to help protect it.
Children’s Chamber
These contributions will take the form of a small card made from acid-free paper, and written on using a graphite pencil. A simple act that will last for 1,000 years and give this generation the chance to store a physical item within the Earth Pyramid.
This card will give children the opportunity to connect with future generations and let them know how they felt about their time on Earth. Imagine what it will be like for the great, great, great (x 40) grandchildren to be able to hold the hopes and aspirations of their ancestors in their hands.
For today’s children, it will be a chance for them to participate in a project that will give them the opportunity to have their legacy preserved for future generations and connect with an entire generation of the world’s children through this shared experience.
From an educational perspective, it will be a great way to get children looking at the future of our planet and thinking of ways to help protect it.

Education & the Global Vote
Schools who sign up to the Children’s Chamber will be issued with a unique and secure reference number, enabling them to participate in the Global Vote.
The Global Vote will address specific peace and environmental issues that the world is facing and questions regarding these issues will be put up by leading experts.
Schools from around the world will have the opportunity to vote on the issues they feel are most important and the outcome of the vote will determine where funds raised by the Earth Pyramid will be spent.
Each country will only have one vote so every country’s vote will be a consensus of all the schools’ decisions within that country. This way even the smallest countries will have their voices heard.
The Global Vote website will be an amazing way for children to see how other children in every nation feel about the world around them.
The children in some countries may feel that issues surrounding peace are very important, whereas other nations may feel that environmental issues are the most pressing. This will be a unique way to give educators a platform for teaching peace and environmental matters with the added benefit of knowing their education will have an actual impact on the issues they are teaching.
It is education through participation on a global scale.
The questions for the Global Vote will be set by organisations and individuals who are experts in the field of humanitarian and environmental education.
The money made available for the Global Vote will then be distributed through world leading organisations that focus on these important issues.

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